646f9e108c Robert Langdon is in Italy. He wakes up in a hospital with no memory of recent events. He appears to have suffered some head trauma. He&#39;s being treated by Dr. Sienna Brooks. Suddenly someone dresseda policeman comes in and starts shooting, trying to get to Langdon. Brooks helps him. Langdon finds he received an email from a friend in Italy who told him that he too is being hunted, and he&#39;s gone into hiding with what they took. Of course he has no idea what he is talking about. He finds something in his belongings that reveals the Map of Hell which is inspired by Dante&#39;s Inferno. He learns about a man Bertrand Zobrist, a billionaire who believes the world is too overpopulated and that drastic measures are needed. He plans to release a virus which he created to kill most of the planet&#39;s population. Evidently he&#39;s inspired by Dante so Langdon needs to find out what he is planning, while he&#39;s being pursued by people from the World Health Organization, and one of them is someone he knows. Famous symbologist on a trail of clues tied to the great Dante himself. When Langdon wakes up in an Italian hospital with amnesia, he teams up with Sienna Brooks, a doctor he hopes will help him recover his memories. Together, they race across Europe and against the clock to stop a madman from unleashing a global virus that would wipe out half of the world&#39;s population. Despite superficial first impressions, &quot;Inferno&quot; is quite different from Ron Howard&#39;s two previous renditions of Dan Brown best-sellers. The &quot;clues&quot; aspect is noticeably underplayed, almost entirely cleansed of convolutions. The real puzzle here is the piecing together of shattered pieces of images in the mind of Robert Langton (Tom Hanks) who wakes up in a hospital in Florence with head injury and temporary (lasting a few days) loss of memory. Throughout the movie, bits and pieces come back to him until the full picture eventually emerges. <br/><br/>The other big difference is that while there were at best mild flirtations in &quot;The Da Vinci Code&quot; and &quot;Angels &amp; Demons&quot;, there are not just one, but two authentic love stories in &quot;Inferno&quot;.<br/><br/>The plot line is not unlike what you have seen in many other movies: an attempt to wipe out the population of a city, or the entire world, by release of something toxic, put in most generic term. The fun here is not so much figuring out the dead clues, but the live people surrounding Langton that,the events unfold, turn out to be an endless pageantry of twists and turns. Here is a list of these characters,what they APPEAR to be.<br/><br/>Bertrand Zobrist (Ben Foster) who appears in and dies during the prologue comes back in video-tapes and flashbacks. He is a billionaire masterminding a mass destruction of humanity to save it, ironically, from the inevitable disaster of over-population. Christopher Bouchard (Omar Sy) is from the WHO trying to track down Langton to help stop this doomsday. Sienna Brooks (Felicity Jones) is the doctor at the Florence hospital attending to Langton&#39;s emergency admission. Turns out that she had met Langton before when she was nine years old, attending a lecture of his that would interest a nine-year-old (albeit a very talented nine-year-old who was admitted to university three years later, at 12). Also from the WHO is Elizabeth Sinskey (Sidse Babett Knudsen) with romantic association with Langton some time ago but parted friends, presumably because both put career first. Most interesting is Harry Sims (Irrfan Khan) who runs an &quot;organization&quot; with loyalty first and foremost to &quot;clients&quot;. Those clients included Zobrist and the WHO, in that order (chronologically, that is).<br/><br/>I won&#39;t belabour the plot. I have mentioned the twists and turns and these are best left for the audience to discover. While the subject matter is grave, the tone leans towards the lighter side. Example: Langton and Brooks find themselves facing an unenviable challenge of walking along a narrow beam at a considerable height. Finding that Brooks is &quot;a little&quot; afraid of height, Langton offers his advice, &quot;Don&#39;t look down&quot; .&quot;or, do look down, I can&#39;t remember which&quot;. The historic tour of Europe comprises Florence, Venice and Istanbul. The climatic finale, I regret to report, is far from being satisfying (although perhaps not a &quot;disaster&quot;one critic describes). The pleasure from this movie is watching the performances and therefore I&#39;ll conclude with some comments on the cast.<br/><br/>Ben Forster grabbed my attention fromfar back&quot;3:10 to Yuma&quot; (2007) when I said he &quot;steals the show, and not just once&quot;. With his good looks and earnest passion, he makes you almost root for the charismatic villain in &quot;Inferno&quot;. The one that really steals the show in &quot;Inferno&quot; is Irrfan Khan whom I by sheer chance just watched recently in the DVD of &quot;The Amazing Spider Man&quot; (2012). In &quot;Inferno&quot;, his character is nothing short of an enigma, and Khan delivers it with such cool composure that he may well be the one that you will remember best from this movie.<br/><br/>In talking about Felicity Jones, there is one thing I must mention. For her appearance in the biopic of John Nash &quot;A beautiful mind&quot; (2001), Jennifer Connelly took home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, deservedly. Felicity Jones is even more deserving, if anything, in her appearance in the biopic of Stephen Hawking &quot;The theory of everything&quot; (2014). But for some unfathomable reason, she was entered for the category of Best Lead Actress and that was too strong a field. Anyway, in &quot;Inferno&quot; she was more than just eye candy like her two predecessors Audrey Tautou and Ayelet Zurer, in the two respective Dan Brown thriller renditions. And there is also her beautiful British &quot;accent&quot;. Also on the international cast are France&#39;s Omar Sy and Denmark&#39;s Sidse Babett Knudsen. The latter, in particular, corroborated recently with Hanks in &quot;A hologram for the king&quot; (2016). TL;DR: This movie was good but forgettable. Reading the book beforehand is a positive here and you will want to go see it, but keep expectations down and expect a radically altered story with no lasting impression. If you haven&#39;t read the book, prepare to be confused, but it can still be an entertaining ride.<br/><br/>Edition watched: 2D IMAX <br/><br/>The largest positive for this movie is Tom Hanks. Hank&#39;s role here is a slight departure from how he previously played the role, due to the circumstances that are made apparent from the very beginning (but I won&#39;t spoil), and yet he was excellent againRobert Langdon. Aside from Hanks, the story was muddled but chase-movie action and constant changes of beautiful scenery makes this entertaining if forgettable.<br/><br/>I have read the book (and liked it) and I went to see it with 2 people who had not read it.<br/><br/>For those who haven&#39;t read the book, you should know that this is not like the other 2 Dan Brown movies. Those stories dealt with secrets and puzzles from many years ago (hundreds or thousands in some cases) and they had that Indiana Jones for the art history major feel to them. In this movie, all the puzzles are manufactured by a modern day character in the story, so it almost completely lacks that Indiana Jones feel. Even though I had warned my movie companions about this, both were quite disappointed by this aspect.<br/><br/>However, the biggest problem my non-book reading movie companions had was confusion. As someone who knew what was going on, even I felt the way they injected some story elements and then dropped them justfast was a bit dizzying. Given that this movie was adapted for the screen and had radically altered elements from the book, the handling of the story telling was sub par.<br/><br/>Both of my movie companions felt the movie was entertaining but nothing special. One sentence opinion: &quot;It was OK and I enjoyed it.&quot; and &quot;It was OK, let&#39;s go eat.&quot; <br/><br/>For those who have read the book, in my opinion this movie departs radically from the source material. That said, reading the book is an advantage and might be a compelling reason to go see this. Knowing the book-story means you will know what is going on, even through elements that were not in the book and/or were presented poorly (e.g. skin rash). I found the changes made for a better experience since I wasn&#39;t just seeing a rehash of what I had read. That said, among several disappointments, I was looking forward to a Vasari Corridor scene and I was very much let down.<br/><br/>One thing to note, Dan Brown&#39;s message was pretty much lost and I wonder if that was intentional? Even the ending, which in the book was used to punctuate Dan Brown&#39;s obvious point, is radically changed in the movie. So while the basic story is similar, the actual take away I left the theater with was very different from the book. I mark thisnegative because the book made me think about what I had taken for a given, the movie simply entertained me and went away afterwards.<br/><br/>Overall,someone who read the book, I enjoyed the movie but did feel let down. By the end, even Hanks looks a bit bored. Robert Langdon has similar &#39;visions from Hell&#39; in the book, but the hallucinations include an unknown &#39;silver-haired woman&#39;. She is later revealed to be Elizabeth Sinskey, head of the WHO; she is significantly older than Robert (old enough to be his mother), and he had only met her a few days before getting amnesia. In the movie, the woman in the hallucinations is initially cloaked, but Robert later recognizes herElizabeth. She is of Robert&#39;s age, and he has known her for years since they were once in a relationship.<br/><br/>Sienna is describedsuffering from a metabolic disease in her youth that causes her hair to fall out; she always wears a blond wiga result. Elizabeth Sinskey was also afflicted with a childhood disease, and its treatment has rendered her unable to have children. She has several flashbacks of a conversation with Zobrist, who visciously berates her and the WHO for their perceived lack of action with regards to controlling overpopulation. When he suggests that desperate measures are necessary, she takes his picture and puts him on the watchlist. The Consortium&#39;s Provost (called Mr. Sim in the film) has flashbacks of meeting Zobrist and sheltering him for a year, so that he could work in secret on his project while the WHO searched for him in vain. A gift from Zobrist during their last meeting (a personalized copy of Dante&#39;s Inferno) and Zobrist&#39;s suicide unsettle the Provost, causing him to think that Zobrist may be using the Consortium to release a world-wide plague.<br/><br/>The book is interspersed with flashbacks of Robert, remembering a lecture he once held about Dante and the Inferno novel. Most of the imagery that he used in the lecture (Botticelli&#39;s Map of Hell and several other Inferno-related artpieces) helps him (and the reader) find clues to Zobrist&#39;s riddles.<br/><br/>The WHO agents that arrive at Sienna&#39;s apartment are led by Christoph Brüder in the book (Christoph Bouchard in the movie). As Robert and Sienna flee, Robert notices the silver-haired woman being held in a WHO van, apparently drugged and held captive. They are being chased and fired upon by agents, but manage to escape, and enter the Boboli gardens. As they use the hallway leading into the Palazzo Museum, they find that the entrance is blocked by a guard station. Sienna has to mislead and take out the guard in order for them to proceed into the museum, showing that she is far from the fragile damsel in distress that she may appear to be.<br/><br/>Upon admitting that the WHO is now on Robert&#39;s trail and that she has lost him, Vayentha learns that she has been disavowed by the Consortium. In her desparation, she decides to go and search for him anyway. By chance, she picks up his trail again and chases him, hoping that the Consortium will take her back if she completes the mission to retrieve him. As a result, she is not trying to execute him in the book, even though Robert thinks that she is. In the movie, the provost gives her a direct order to terminate Robert, which she tries to do without success in the museum.<br/><br/>When learning that Robert and Ignazio were the ones who had stolen Dante&#39;s death mask, the guards call Ignazio&#39;s office, only to learn from his secretary that he has died of a heart attack the previous night. He was able to leave a voice mail message for Robert that points towards the mask&#39;s hiding place (in the movie, Robert had already received it by email). Robert tells the secretary to delete the message. They use the distraction of one of the drone cameras to escape.<br/><br/>Robert and Sienna try to flee the museum through the secret hallways, with Brüder and his team closely following them. Robert manages to shake them off by diverting them into a dead end. After Vayentha falls to her death, they escape to the streets, with Robert putting on Sienna&#39;s wigdisguise; with Sienna&#39;s bald head, they manage to posea rock star and a groupie, evading the police until they reach a small church. Robert borrows an old lady&#39;s iPhone to find the solution to Ignazio&#39;s riddle, and discovers it points to the Baptistry.<br/><br/>In the movie, Robert and Sienna find the mask at the baptistry and discover the hidden text on its back. They are found by Bouchard, who claims to have been the one who asked for Robert&#39;s help before he got amnesia. While on the train to Venice, Robert sees through Bouchard&#39;s ruse and incapacitates him. After deducing that Inferno must be in the Hagia Sofia, Istanbul, Sienna betrays Robert and leaves him to be caught by Bouchard again. Bouchard reveals that he has gone rogue and intends to obtain Inferno in order to sell it. He is finally killed by the Provost, who explains how Sienna, Vayentha and the doctor shot in the hospital were all part of an elaborate deception to get Robert to cooperate, but Sienna has apparently used both Robert and the Consortium for her own agenda.<br/><br/>In the book, the sequence differs significantly: Robert and Sienna discover the mask in the bapistry, but find that there is are series of 7 Ps on the back of the forehead. Robert remembers that these symbolize the seven sins (peccatum in Latin), and in true Dante fashion, he discovers that by wiping them away in atonement, a secret text is revealed on the back of the mask. They are then approached by a man calling himself Jonathan Ferris. He has a nasty face rash which he claims comes from an allergy to soy-based soap, and a big black mark on his chest which he tries to hide. Ferris claims to have been the one who asked for Robert&#39;s help deciphering Zobrist&#39;s riddle. Although Robert doesn&#39;t recognize the man, he has &#39;familiar eyes&#39;. Robert calls his publicist with a request to charter an airplane for him to Geneva; this ruse sends the WHO into a dead end, while Robert, Sienna and Ferris escape by train to Venice. An elaborate flashback leads the reader to believe that Ferris is actually agent FS-2080, a former lover and sympathizer of Zobrist who suggested the Consortium to hima way of developing Inferno in secret; however, after learning Zobrist&#39;s intentions to develop a plague, FS-2080 wanted to prevent Inferno from being unleashed, and contacted the Consortium to offer assistance. In Venice, after discovering the identity of the &#39;treacherous doge&#39;, Robert finds out the target is Istanbul, not Venice. He finds that Ferris has collapsed, and notices the black mark, fearing that Ferris may already be infected with Inferno. Unfortunately, WHO soldiers seal the museum and Robert is apprehended by Brüder, but not before he helps Sienna escape through a window.<br/><br/>Robert is finally brought before Elizabeth Sinskey and the Provost. She wasn&#39;t held captive by the WHORobert thought; she was temporarily under the influence of medication to counter her vertigo. The WHO had raided Zobrist&#39;s safety deposit box a few days earlier, and found the projector. Sinskey was the one who contacted Robert and asked him for help in deciphering the riddle. However, the Consortium had an agreement with Zobrist to protect the projector, so they intervened after Robert and Ignazio had stolen the death mask. They kidnapped Robert, faked his head wound and amnesia and placed him in the hospital. Agent FS-2080 and Zobrist&#39;s secret lover is revealed to be Sienna, not Jonathan Ferris. She had agreed to help the Consortium in deceiving Robert so that he could solve Zobrist&#39;s riddle and find Inferno&#39;s location before the WHO could get their hands on it. The doctor killed by Vayentha in the hospital was another Consortium agent whose death was only faked. He is the same man who posedJonathan Ferris, with a rash that he got from wearing a fake beard and moustache; the black mark on his chest was from a squib explosion that broke his rib during his faked death. When Sienna learned of Inferno&#39;s hiding place, she disposed of Ferris by punching him in the chest (he is fine again, and not infected). Sienna is currently following her own agenda, which may be to ensure that Inferno is released. Sinskey and the Provost are now working together to stop that from happening.<br/><br/>The final act of the book is also very different from the movie: Sienna only contacts a fellow Zobrist sympathizer to get on a flight to Istanbul; she works alone while being there and doesn&#39;t obtain any explosives or henchmen. In the &#39;Sunken Palace&#39;, Robert finds out that the container with Inferno is missing; only the original tether remains. Sinskey finds no trace of anything lethal in the water. Robert spots Sienna and chases her, believing that she may have taken the container. After a lengthy chase where Sienna commandeers a boat, she unexpectedly returns to Robert and gives a tearful confession. The container with Inferno inside has already dissolved and the virus has been released for a week; the date mentioned in Zobrist&#39;s video wasn&#39;t the date that Inferno would be released, but the projected date where almost the entire world&#39;s population would be infected. Inferno is not a deadly plague that &#39;thins the herd&#39;: it is a virus that alters DNA and randomly renders one third of the population infertile,Zobrist&#39;s ultimate device to stop the world&#39;s population from growing out of control. Sienna was actually trying to stop it from being obtained by the WHO, afraid that it might be abused to render only certain populations infertile.<br/><br/>The Provost is not killed during the final struggle: instead, he is being held by Sinskey to answer for his crimes. With the help of some Consortium agents, he escapes and attempts to flee in disguise, only to be arrested by Turkish government agents.<br/><br/>Sinskey realizes that Zobrist&#39;s virus is currently too sophisticated to stop. For now, the WHO has to accept the virus&#39; effects, which may indeed turn out advantageous for the long term. Sinskey offers Sienna a place in the WHO, so that she may be able to help them understand how it works for a future cure. 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